Friday 28 December 2012

Fire Team Alpha

In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war. But you're not going to last long on the open field. The smart Chaos Warband knows that covert ops is how you stay alive for ten thousand years, and for ten thousand more. As such i've modelled my space marines as fire teams. Each ten man squad consists of two teams of 5 mans.

Team Leader

the bolter has a drum barrel carved from an imperial guard grenade launcher plus a front grip fashioned from a knife handle.
Demolitions expert

Supression Fire

Designated Marksman

Demolitions has a greater variety of grenades on him. not pictured is a melta bomb which im still trying to figure out a good place to attatch.

It's a heavy bolter, but it counts as a regular bolter. Deal with it. I scoured the internet and did many test models myself trying to figure out a good alternative. all my attepts were either just boltguns with drum ammo boxes, or had awkward bits from other kits. possibly the most successful attempt was a bolter extended by half a grip section. at the end of the day however, i feel that this model captures the feel better then any conversion could have.

Stalker pattern bolter, or is that daemon eye bolter? A masterclass in small scale kit-bash if I do say so. The barrel is from the spare space marine scout rifle, the scope is from a tactical squad box and the ammo clip and butt are from a las gun.


Lastly pointman, wearing more MkIII armour then the rest of the squad in addition to a Forgeworld Siege shield, he's equiped to be the first man into any dangerzone.

This is easily the most heavily converted unit I've ever made for warhammer. in addition, it was my first attempt at executing the concept i'd generated in my mind.

I entered them into my FLGS conversion competition where they took out first place in the squad category. Needless to say I'm pretty happy about that.

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